Monday, July 1, 2013

Drama Hujung Minggu

Hari ni gigih update blog sbb ada kisah yg i rasa special utk di abadikan kat blog ni. Our weekend was about to end nicely petang semalam, as the kids seems to be happy with the chances to play with their cousin (Adib), selepas almost 2 hours kat Taman Bukit Jalil. 

Masa sampai rumah around 6, i take over the kitchen from my maid sbb i nak masak lauk. Masa tengah masak tu, i dengar mcm cekpen tengah marah2. I jengah sikit, cuma nampak bayang awish kat sliding door. Tak berapa dengar butir2 so i assume masa tu, cekpen dah sampai limit dia dgn cara awish bercakap dgn Adib. Awish ni ada masalah bila bercakap, he always sound angry and utter hurtful words even though dia sebenarnya nak cuba ajar adib tu something. Not only towards Adib, even to Sarah or Mina or anyone else dia mmg suka bercakap dgn cara yg buat orang makin marah or sakit hati dgn dia. That is his no. 1 weapon or maybe i shud put it as weakness. Hurtful words.

So after sometime, he was crying and cekpen was livid. I pun macam "eh ni kenapa ni? Lain macam je" dalam hati lah kan. Adib i tengok ok je.

Then i dah settle kat kitchen,i pun duduk lah, sambil menengok cekpen warning awish lagi. Bila i tanya kenapa, cekpen cakap tak nampak ke tadi mak budak india tu datang marah2.....i pun blur lah kan sbb mmg tak tau. Then since he was still very2 angry, he said dia malas nak cerita balik.

Cekpen still not satisfied and go out with darwish to do further investigation/ interogation. Sementara tu, maid fill me up about the mother of the indian boy tu memang selalu campur tangan hal anak dia and very unfair. She also told me that, that lady had bad encounter with other parents regarding issue yg lebih kurang sama lah pasal anak2 dia with other kids until the other parents want to report to the police station.

Later on. cekpen citer la sikit, the mother came to our house, accusing darwish sepak (guna kaki) anak dia sampai berdarah2 dan berjahit dekat sebelah mata on Saturday evening. 

She said, she was not around and came back around 12 midnight only to discover her son was bleeding a lot on his pillow. She was planning to knock our house there and then but decided to put if off. She also bgtau cekpen that if her husband was around he had no qualm utk bg penampar kat awish. Cekpen was absolutely livid lah with that statement. Seriously, that lady terlebih sudah.

Cekpen dah check around, and other kids confirm that darwish was not seen playing or near her son that saturday evening. Darwish memang ada pergi taman tu dgn adib, but he came back early because, the big boys yg main bola kat sebelah taman tu, tersepak bola derang kat pipi Adib. Adib menangis le kan, konfem sakit. Lepas budak2 tu pujuk, adib n awish pun balik rumah.

Adib terus naik atas mengadu to me about the bola incident, masa tu mmg i dah sesiap nak pergi makan sbb budak2 ni semua nak dinner kat luar. Tak lama tu kitorang keluar dari rumah around 6.30.

The boy mother came again lepas cekpen cerita kat i sikit2 tu. I sempat le bgtau cekpen what the maid told me and i remind him the timing yg mak budak tu claim was a bit unbelievable sbb kitoang dah keluar by the time budak2 ramai kat playground. Kids normally pergi main around 6. When being confronted, the mother laju je cakap anak dia kena sepak at 6.10pm. wahhhh kemain accurate ko ye, padahal ko balik kol 12 malam. Kat situ i dah nampak pompuan saiko punye mentaliti. We have witness of what happen between 6-6.30pm. 

Banyak lagi lah pompuan tu merepek, cakap dah komplen kat guard pasal awish lah bla bla bla.
Then dia ada mention awish ejek2 anak dia busuk and so on, which i readily admit lah sbb tau kalau bab mulut memang possible and boleh percaya. But sepak terajang??? Awish ni tersangat lah lembik walopon badan tembam abam macam tu. Sepak bola pun tak lepas hokey, inikan nak sepak anak orang. Kalau bab muscle strength ni, i memang susah nak percayalah. Darwish nakal yes i admit, but that is normal for kids.

If awish memang buat, cekpen bgtau kat that pompuan "we apologized" but we do not think so. Anyway the claim anaknye berjahit bagai tu pun propa sbb takde pun jahit tu, luka lah mmg about less than 1 cm. And masa 2nd time dia dtg with the boy, adib konfemkan he did not see that boy pun masa main kat taman. So tah anak dia bergaduh ngan sapa tak tau le kan. Adib was there all along with darwish plus the big boys and i'm sure if something amiss adib would inform me sbb biasalah budak2 ni boleh tahan kaki mengadu kan.

It was unlucky that bibik was taking her leave that day, so she was not around as adult witness. Selalunya mmg bibik ada tengok2kan sambil dia berconference dgn bibik lain. Sigh!

You know, awish pernah lah request i rescue dia with that family sebelum ni. The boy or his sister i tak ingatlah yg mana satu, pernah ambik (or curi according to awish) his collectible cards. Ala kad2 ala2digimon ke power rangers ke haper tah. But i tak layan, i told him, if you don't want people to take your stuff then don't bring it to taman lah. Awish menangis2 suruh i jumpa the mother to inform her that the kids took his stuff. But really lah takkan lah kita nak follow that kind of whim. They shud learn la kan mommy are not rescuing them for their own silly mistake. Then selalu jugaklah dia mengadu pasal the indian kids ni, but i just advise him the leave them alone. What ever they did to him, jangan retaliate, just ignore them. 

Ada sekali tu, penah jugak another malay boy yg baik jugak le berkawan dgn dia, tua setahun dari awish. Tah macam mana satu hari tu bergaduh dalam van masa balik dari sekolah kebangsaan. Budak tu ejek2 dia. Since dia tak dapat nak lawan balik, dia menangis lah kat tepi jalan tu (where the van drop him off). Dia bgtau mina to call me out and pick him up by the road side tu. Ada lah selang 6 bijik rumah from our house. When i got there, he insist i go to the boy house and demand me to scold that boy sbb ejek2 dia. hahahaha. You think i would do that? Over something as trivial as 'ejek2'. He get a lenghty scolding from me instead of i pergi berlawan utk pihak dia hahaha. 

Before he goes to school pagi tadi, i ask him to tell me again what exactly happen on saturday evening kat taman tu. His story was the same and telly dgn apa yg adib bgtau. So i give him the insight of the consequences of his action, be it bad words or actions. I told him to stop saying hurtful words sbb if anyone came to me mengadu pasal dia ejek or cakap yg tak baik, i will believe them. I told him to stay out of trouble. This event definitely his last warning. Kalau ada lagi parents datang mengadu or cikgu panggil mama ayah pergi sekolah sebab dia ada masalah displin dia akan dapat punishment lebih dari setakat kena grounded from going to taman. I bgtau dia, even if i do not see what he's doing 24/7, Allah definitely saw everything. I hope he learn his lesson. He might not injured the boy but that doesn't mean he can freely talk as he pleased. He really need to control his mouth. 

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