Monday, January 30, 2012

Firework moment sleeping partner

So whats up with maktok? Well, maktok back in the house on Friday last week. Masa CNY kitorang gi cherating, so maktok stayed with makcik mini in Klang. Supposed to pick her up on Tuesday, but makcik asked to wait till Friday.

Since its CNY, and we are living in a multiracial community, we can't escape the fireworks everynite. Maktok jadi takut. Even masa kat rumah makcik mini lagi dah takut dah dgn bunyi mercun tetiap malam. So when she came back, maktok scared to sleep alone in her room. 

So dah 2 malam maktok tidur berteman. Malam semalam, Awish teman maktok. Malam tadi Mina teman maktok. Malam ni mina dah put me in the list to sleep with maktok. Need to make sure Sarah dont take her nap today so that she sleep early tonite. If not camno nak teman maktok. Sarah cannot sleep together cos of nanti she push maktok away from the bed.

I guess until maktok overcome her fear or until no more firework popping at nite, this will be our sleeping pattern. 


  1. ini lah masanya nak bermanja.... teringat masa kecik2 dulu nak lena mesti pegang tangan mak... my mom hearing banyak kurang... n lambat faham.

    semoga maktok sihat dan happy!

  2. niki...its their turn to have our attention kan :).
