Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Natural remedy to increase milk supply

Study jangan tak study =P

Food and Drink Category :
1. Habbatussauda
2. Halba
3. Horlick (malts)
4. Cheese
5. Soy product such as tempe, taufu fah etc.
6. Dates
7. Oats
8. Jantung pisang
9. Daun kaduk
10. Radish/ lobak putih
11. Sawi
12. Daun turi
13. Broccoli
14. Air rebusan blended kunyit+halia+madu.
15. Anise (bunga lawang or jintan manis, i'm not sure, maybe both).
16. Blessed thistle
17. Drink plenty of plain water.
18. Eat lots of fruits
19. Steamed fish (preferebly white fish)
20. Sup tulang
21. Jagung rebus.

1. Feed frequently (every 2 hours or so)
2. Always empty the sack (so kalau agak2 ada balance lagi lepas baby menyusu sila pam)
3. Pump frequently when direct feeding is not possible.
4. Proper latching
5. Stress free

1. Doalah mintak Allah cukupkan supply.
2. Amalkan surah no.49 iaitu Surah Al -Hujurat.

Last sekali, if we had tried everything within our means, still the milk supply not as astounding as others, please do not stress out. Kang meroyan lagi susah hehehe. Just remember, our body might vary with one another even though konsepnya sama. Itu semua rezeki. Kalau nak kena bagi formula, bagilah, why not. And please follow what is best for both mommies and babies. Jangankan kerana sekumpulan yg sangat obsessed, yg kurang berjaya terasa rendah diri. Let them be. You know you have tried your best as much as you are able to.

I pun tak pernah lagi berjaya BF sampai 2 years walopon banyak jugak yg tersenarai kat atas tu i makan, amalkan. And from what i read, ramai jugak yg senasib. But I will try again this time lah. InsyaAllah.

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