Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dah sampai masa?

Doc Lin talk to the nurse: I want to have the scan done.

Doc Lin talk to me : After this cycle, we going to remove the tumor, and I am going to refer her to UH. I knew a very good surgeon for her.

Me : ok (blurry)



Dah nak operate ke?

Lepas habis kimo ni?

Dah cukup kecil ke tumor tu?

Yg metastasis kat liver dgn lymph tu pun nak kena remove ke?

Lepas surgery tu nanti kulit kena plaster, she's allergy to that so ada cara lain ke? If not rashes nnt jadik lagi teruk macam mana?

Now the best time to remove based on what? Tumor size? AFP reading?

How her general health? Strong or healthy enough to undergo surgery?

Recovery time berapa lama?

Complication chances macam mana?

Apa nama surgeon tu?

Lepas surgery nak kena kimo lagi ke? Apa medical plan dia?

Banyak ke ubat nak kena makan ?

Berapa lama lepas surgery baru boleh discharge?

My oh my.......

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