Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rapunzel adalah BEST!

Semalam menonton Rapunzel pulak. Wah memang sedap cuti kali ni .... baru cuti 2 minggu dah 2 kali tengok wayang. Rapunzel ni pun best jugak ceritanya. Takde lah banyak sangat bercakap atau komplikated sampai anak aku tak paham.

Saja je test power, lepas habis movie tu, aku tanya Darwish,

"berapa lama rapunzel tinggal dengan ibu yg jahat tu"

Dia jawab
"18 years "
Hahaha....punyalah aku suka..berbaloi bayor 26 hengget tengok wayang dan dia tahu apa yg dia tengok. Kira itu soalan paling susah le...soalan lain yg senang-senang dia boleh jugak jawab.

Tapi kalau hari ni aku tanya...mungkin banyak yg dia dah lupa kot...biasalah..memori ala Dori.

Oh ye...wayang di gsc.ioi mall je uolsss.....dekat lagi ...takde que panjang...still dapat seat kat tengah, walaupun beli kurang 20 minit wayang nak start.

Oklah...pergilah bawa anak masing-masing menonton kalau takde sangat aktiviti nak buat.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nak masak apa bila mood malas datang...

1) Tapau lauk.... nasi masak sendiri

2) Tapau lauk dan nasi sekali...tak masak langsung

3) Makan kat luar terus

4) Panaskan balik leftover lauk yg ada dalam fridge. Masak nasi je la.

5) Masak pasta, spagetti ka..olio ka...

6) Time rajin, masak lauk berkuah tu, lebihkan kuah banyak2. Lepas tu lebihan kuah tu simpan dalam freezer. Bila time malas...defrostkan, tambah le balik ikan ka...ayam ka....kan senang... tak payah nak kupas bawang, tumis je ke hapa.

I jarang buat yg no.1, 2 dan 3 sebab lauk kat kedai tak sedap mana kecuali makan fast food. Yg paling suka adalah no.6, cuma kena bg cycle time dlm seminggu ..

if not Darwish akan sound direct "AGAIN!?".

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why you must watch new movie @ g.s.c i.o.i mall

You can camwhore until you vomit blood!

Finally after 9 years living in Puchong and frequent IOI Mall thousands times, we give it a shot to watch MEGAMIND 3D at GSC IOI Mall.
Well actually after failing to book the tickets via the phone-booking line @ TGV Sunway Pyramid ...... normally we watch movie here or 1U...almost never on other places...errr except once in Midvalley.

We buy the ticket at 2pm for 3.45pm movie....without a need to jump que cos there's no que at all. So there's plenty of time to jalan-jalan kan.

We come back around some pop corn and drinks the empty snack counter(read : not a single human being there except the cashier girl). The movie start in 15 minutes!

Wait in front the 'guard'...just the 5 of us....camwhoring.....tick tock tick tock...the kids running around.....tick tock tick tock.

More homo sapiens come about 10 minutes later......but i guarantee you no 'laga' bontot incident.

More and more homo sapiens joined us later on but the 'guard' still did not open the red rope.

Around 4pm..we get to get in....walk pushing....go to the ladies to wash the kids hand since there were pretty 'dirty' mopping and sliding at the entrance earlier.

The cinema were not too big...still new...good sound system....and the movie is AWESOME!!!!

I did not put high expectation on this movie...just want the kids to have some fun this school holiday but it was turnout really good.

Am not good in giving review but i can suggest to you guys to bring your kids to watch MEGAMIND....the blue big head alien really COOL!

Kenapa kena belikan Sarah henbeg !

Sebab 1 : Dia dah pandai menggayakan atau menjinjit diaper bagnya sendiri bila keluar berjalan-jalan. Isi beg hanyalah 2 keping diapers, satu baju spare, towel kecik, dan 1 botol susu. Bag ini sudah terlalu besar utk memuatkan barang-barang tersebut dan tak berapa proportionate dengan saiz badan Sarah.

Sebab 2: Dia akan membawa paper bag ini dipergelangan tangannya ke hulu ke hilir.....tak stail hokey....paper bag!

Sebab 3 : Dia keluarkan semua harta mama dan jadikan beg mama bagaikan haknya yg sah.

Sebab 4: Mama terpaksa campak semua barang mama dalam plastik Giant je.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Not good enough?

I was told that last Saturday, the parents teachers day was a private event. Only parents of top student were invited. Darwish van driver told me so (he is our informer so i believe him, all this while he is our reference other than the school blog or written message/notice). I did not get any invitation or notice from Darwish bag (i have to dig myself cos darwish hardly tell me anything), so i just waited, asked Darwish everyday just in case it was verbally informed in his class.

Since today was the last day, still no news until yesterday, cekpen asked the van driver again early this morning. Apparently, the parent teachers day was last saturday *Confious* . Maybe the "Not So Good Student's Parents " really no need to come.

So I decided to see his teacher today. I reached school around 10.30am, only to get cold treatment from the teacher who really (looked) disturbed with my presence and with a heavy voice telling me that darwish report card already filed away. She told me she had given to Darwish and other student on last *Friday (not sure if everyone or the not so good one), and told me that maybe Darwish has returned it back in the basket where the absent student file was kept. I was surprise that she didn't even bother to check whether the parents has signed it or not. Oh ... school holiday is around the corner rite!

*Last Friday Darwish did told me he received the 'blue file" but his teacher asked to return it back. So he returned it back without bring it back home....oh anakku!! After some interrogation that day, so i tought i will see the 'blue file' again during parents teachers day, well.....i'm wrong.

Then she told me to find another teacher(who keeping the report card), who will be his standard 2 class teacher (i guess), and by this time i was told that next year darwish will not be in the same class. Seriouslly i don't have the mood to ask the teacher (who is not interested at all to discuss my son performance) what is the class rating...her annoyed face really turn me off.

So i went to see this other teacher who give me the same unhappy face (maybe she annoyed with my presence) who told me that she's about to go for her break. I did apologize twice ....first, when i approach her, then when she mention " i baru nak pergi makan".

She dig up the file..passed it to me, give me a pen, ask me to sign and put the file back ..of course she did not wait for me. She left with her tumbler in her right hand and her handbag.

So there i was, looking at darwish result ...with broken heart...4A and 6B, (main paper 2A,3B) with average of 81%. Mid year was a lot better than the final exam... :(.

While i was fainted emotionally in that room, Darwish was still chirpy, running around bilik guru main kejar-kejar dengan Sarah.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Apa HFW??

Tengah ada bloggers fashion show ek cuci mata.

HFW - Hijab Fashion Week.

Duration - 15 nov - 21 nov.

So ari ni jalan-jalan tengok peshenshio le kita...hahak.

Ni dari coco. Jangan ditanya siapa sebab aku pun baru pes time masuk blog dia neh. Simple jek takde layering bagai.

Hari ni dah tengok 7 blog ,the first seven yg dalam list yg masuk pertandingan ni...dan si coco ni punya assemble je yg i rasa memang cantik.

Ada sesapa lagi yg tengok?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Steamboat murah dan sedap!

Darwish sekarang kuat jugak daya ingatan dia. Dalam 2,3 minggu lepas kot dia mention nak makan mee dengan sup yg panas, pedas dengan fish ball. ...lepas soal selidik detail sikit, tau le dia nak makan steamboat sebenornya. Dah lama jugak tak bawak dia makan kat sini...last sekali tak ingat dah bila. So last week masa cuti Deepavali tu, cekpen tunaikan le hajat anak bujang dia ni.

Steamboat Ketam Village
So far, ni yg paling murah dan sedap yg kitorang pernah makan. Cuma sekarang dah exceed bill dulu-dulu sebab mulut yg makan dah jadik 5 hahaha...

Apa yg ku bebel tah.

Carrot juice tu Darwish yg nak beriya-iya. Minum sikit je...tak sedap katanya. Last-last dia mintak water just right...nasib le mama suka, boleh tolong perabihkan.

Budak ni memang kembar cili.
Selamba je melantak padahal mulut dah merah-merah.
Si Kakak (Mina) dah give-up makan dgn sup tomyam..terpaksa lah tambah order sup biasa tapi Sarah tetap nak sup tomyam pedas tu...cayalah!

Pergi sini ..sini...sini

Serius...kekadang bosan tahap cipan tak tau nak buat apa sebab takleh buat aktiviti buang duit ukur mall.

Jadi gunakan kemudahan yg ada ni...aku *dah aku aku pulak* sekarang jalan-jalan kat kawasan sini pulak... bandar pulak.

Best jugakle kawasan ni...leh cuci mata, tengok style orang muda-muda sekarang *ehem aku pun tak berapa tua lagi kan ehem*

Sini ---- rumah Yuna

Sini ---- rumah cikgu nab

Sini ---- rumah tak tau sapa baru kenal

Cukup le 3 tu, sebab derang suka re-blog style-stle orang lain dalam tumblr tu.

Korang suka gi mana lagi?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grey anatomy Hair

Hari Sabtu biasanya budak-budak ni semua taknak tido siang.

Tapi tadi miracle sungguh sebab Sarah tido....lalu tanpa membuang masa, aku terus capai kunci kereta dan lari pergi shopping pergi hair salon..hahak. Cekpen tinggal babysit yg lagi dua orang tu.

Kepala dah rasa berat sangat bila rambut dah panjang, so just bagitau hairsylist tu, potong straight je ...malas nak pikir pesen-pesen. Ye lah kan, buat le style kot mana pun, udahnye haku serkup jek.

Tapi kan, tau je lah cermin kat salon besar mana, lampu terang benderang, hmmm......segala mak nenek boleh nampak.

Kalu kat rumah salu tengok cermin sekali lalu je, tak pun tengok cermin kat compact powder tu masa nak tepek apa-apa yg patut. Jadi takdelah nampak benda pelik-pelik kat rambut kan.

Kalu tengok cermin besar pun time tu tengah nak adjust tudung, rambut dah tentu tak nampak kan.

Ini nampak le rambut udah kaler separuh-separuh...baru perasan tak habis-habis lagi rupanya rambut yg ku kaler dulu. Tapi lepas potong tadi kira dah habis semua rambut brunette.

Lagi satu yg tak best, asal dia selak jek, aku nampak uban...yg belah depan memang takyah selak-selak le kan, terjulur-julur uban tu.

Dah gatal jek rasa nak kaler rambut tapi bila panjang karang, still nampak uban jugak kan...

Haihhh..redhooo je lah nampaknya.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Malam selasa, I tolong Mina buat kad Deepavali untuk Teacher Barathy dia.

Lepas tu Awish pun nak enterframe, so dia pun buat satu lagi kad yg di tulis,

"from mina brother"

"name mina brother - darwish"

Lepas tu dia suruh Mina bagi kad tu kat Teacher Barathy jugak.

Esoknya lepas balik kindy, I tanya Mina dah bagi kad kat teacher ke belum. Dengan happy dia jawab dah.

Lepas tu I tanya Darwish punya kad dah bagi belum. Dia cakap dia tak bagi sebab teacher tak kenal darwish.

So I bagitau Mina untuk tutup mulut, jangan cerita apa-apa kat darwish.

Tapi mulut tempayan memang susah nak tutup kan. Darwish sampai jek rumah Mina tergedik-gedik bgtau dia punya kad dah bagi kat teacher.

Darwish terus le tanya, kad yg dia buat mina bg kat teacher tak.

I tunggu je Mina jawab.....nak tau dia jawab apa?





















Dia jawab "yes I give to teacher already"

I pusing kepala pandang pandangan tak puas hati la kan, but did not say anything.

Tau apa Mina buat kat I?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Solution untuk spesis ini takde ke

Sana sini orang promot korset tu.

Sana sini orang jadik slim sebab pakai korset tu.

Tapi apakah penyelesaian untuk gemuk-diperut-sahaja-selepas-makan atau singkatannya temperory-buncit?

Tuah ayam nampak di kaki

*iklan free - but good things need to be share :) *

I was doing some errand at Giant this morning, when i noticed the space that they normally display cars were filled with lots and lots of clothes hang at least half of that area.

There's a notice saying the clothes is an over-run stock from Japan or something like that.

The good part is almost everything is at RM15.00. Yg bukan hanyalah sebaris kemeja jantan dan sebaris sweater ber-hood.

Well I was looking for a denim jacket or shirt to make a little make-over to my existing boring style or baju or whatever....and i found it! Yeayyyy!!!

Mine looks almost like hers.....hik hik!

Boleh dimakan di pakai begitu sahaja atau di lapis -lapiskan dgn pakaian lain....

In fact there's a jailbird maxi dress too....and it's cheaper than mine *knock my head on the wall*

-->>Cekpen quote : why giving free gifts to rich people?! Why they didn't call me ?! I'm their loyal customer too!

(upon knowing his 'richer- than- him- for- sure-brother in law , getting 2 lumix camera from CIMB as their weekly winner....hik hik hik)

Tuah ayam nampak di kaki....

kalu manusia kurang tuah ..kena beli sendiri

...hik hik!