Last night I have a whole 'karangan' drafted in my head which I plan to write down here. Guess what? I can't remember at all. I can only remember that 'wow! I got something nice to write in my blog'...that's all.
Am i eating too much maggie mee?
Why is my memory so bad?
Few month back I bought a very thin (less than 50pages) book.
The tittle is 'memory loss'. The content is all about brains, how the cells in your brain works and store information. Also mentioned what kind of food that your brain need.
Few points that I can remember are:
1) Once you are getting older a lot of your brain cells are dead.
2) You need to get your brain to work harder in method of storing information. Creating map for each information (remember those days we use to memorise all the formula before exam...that method hokey).
3) When you are older most information, if not properly stored, it will be 'temperorily' kept in the brain 'temp' folder. All these information will stay there for ..say couple of second..then automatically ERASED....thus you forget.
4) You need to allocate your brain more time while doing the storage aka saving the data into allocated brain cells. Meaning...let say if you received a call saying you need to attend a meeting at 10am...then you tell yourself ..'ok i'll remember that I have a meeting at 10am'. Chances you will forget is 100%.
So how do you keep information? For this example, few step you can do:
1) Jot down the information into a piece of paper and stick on your forehead (kidding hehe)...stick it to a place that you will definitely can see) or
2) Quickly update your appointment book or
3) Immediately type in your PDA cum phone and set the reminder (min 3x and the latest shall be 5 minute before the meeting start).
4) Always have a practise to look at no 1 (sticker)..and no 2. If you don't practise this ...just forget this step.
5) If you have more money..straight go to no 3....and also make a practise to set a reminder. Regardless of any other URGENT matter.
6) Always tell yourself that you must finish updating you schedule in your PDA/phone and set reminder before anything else. Same as no 5 isn't it.
7) Tell your secretary (if you have one) ...she will remind you. Plus you can 'scold' her if she forget...nuahahaha!
Ok..back to the brains....what kind of food is good for your brain?
I need to read the book ...cos I don't remember. *sigh*.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Forever 21
Ni lama punye cerita, tp terlebih rajin plak ari nih nak hapdate blog.
Forever 21 ...Roses
Paris Hilton???Uweekkk!!!!
Ole-ole = Bumbu Bali = Waterlily cafe
Charm Bracelet
Forever 21 ...Roses
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From Forever 21 |
Paris Hilton???Uweekkk!!!!
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From Forever 21 |
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From Forever 21 |
Ole-ole = Bumbu Bali = Waterlily cafe
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From Forever 21 |
Charm Bracelet
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From Forever 21 |
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From Forever 21 |
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From Forever 21 |
Ultraman from Darwish point of View
Last night he draw a few ultraman character. U know ultraman has evolved from Ultraman, ultraman taro, tiga, dyna, max, mebius etc.
So darwish now are quite well verse with all this character (thanks to ayah for teaching him how tu use GOOGLE!) he can differentiate each character....he knew what exactly the difference between all this ultraman...can u???
I'll paste the picture but i'll leave the name for you to guess (I need to double check with him actually..ahaks, cos i dunno oso).
Keep on guessing ....
So darwish now are quite well verse with all this character (thanks to ayah for teaching him how tu use GOOGLE!) he can differentiate each character....he knew what exactly the difference between all this ultraman...can u???
I'll paste the picture but i'll leave the name for you to guess (I need to double check with him actually..ahaks, cos i dunno oso).
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From Otomen |
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From Otomen |
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From Otomen |
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From Otomen |
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From Otomen |
Keep on guessing ....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tudung DIY
Lately dlm forum tmt salu lepak tu tgh hangat dgn trend buat tudung sendiri. Ada a few yg tersgtlah cantik.
Paling berkenan yg ni (cupcake pinjam gambar k).
Link pun ada kat sebelah tu.
According tu dorang..boleh alter je existing tudung n tukar awning ikut citarasa kita sendiri.
Oleh kerana kelengkapan menjahit belum ada...saya akan cuba pada masa lain.
Ni contoh gambor tudung yg sedang menjadi kegilaanku.
Paling berkenan yg ni (cupcake pinjam gambar k).
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From Tudung |
Link pun ada kat sebelah tu.
According tu dorang..boleh alter je existing tudung n tukar awning ikut citarasa kita sendiri.
Oleh kerana kelengkapan menjahit belum ada...saya akan cuba pada masa lain.
Ni contoh gambor tudung yg sedang menjadi kegilaanku.
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From Tudung |
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From Tudung |
Monday, November 17, 2008
Me in Facebook!
Ok...dipengaruhi oleh seorang teman rapat, saya telah medaftarkan diri saya ke dalam dunia 'facebook'. Agak 'sceptical' pada mulanya kerana saya anggap ianye seperti frienster dan yg sewaktu dengannya yg pada pendapat saya yg ianya hanya utk remaja sekolah.
Saya guna nama anak pada mulanya. Setelah merasakan ianya agak selamat maka saya menyunting profail, tp tidak sepenuhnya sebagai langkah keselamatan (u'll never know who read what).
Saya mengambil masa lebih kurang sebulan rasanya untuk mendalami 'interface'nya. Agak lambat ye disbbkan kesibukan dan ketajaman pemahaman saya dlm bidang internet pun sudah agak berkurangan.
Kebelakangan ini (2 hari lepas) saya sgt teruja sbb terjumpa FB x-housemate ketika di UM dulu. Hari ini berjaya berbual dengannya di FB.
Hari ini juga berjaya ternampak seorang lagi x-housemate di situ. Saya udah menghantar pesanan utk menambahkan dia sebagai rakan. Harap dia dpt pesanan itu.
Hmmm ...nampaknya bertambah satu lagi aktiviti internet yg pasti sedikit sebanyak akan menjejaskan mutu kualiti kerja saya di proreka ( ya ampun bos!).
Secara keseluruhan aktiviti rasmi saya setiap hari:
1) Kerja
2) Blog
3) FB
4) Online sopin ouch!
Saya guna nama anak pada mulanya. Setelah merasakan ianya agak selamat maka saya menyunting profail, tp tidak sepenuhnya sebagai langkah keselamatan (u'll never know who read what).
Saya mengambil masa lebih kurang sebulan rasanya untuk mendalami 'interface'nya. Agak lambat ye disbbkan kesibukan dan ketajaman pemahaman saya dlm bidang internet pun sudah agak berkurangan.
Kebelakangan ini (2 hari lepas) saya sgt teruja sbb terjumpa FB x-housemate ketika di UM dulu. Hari ini berjaya berbual dengannya di FB.
Hari ini juga berjaya ternampak seorang lagi x-housemate di situ. Saya udah menghantar pesanan utk menambahkan dia sebagai rakan. Harap dia dpt pesanan itu.
Hmmm ...nampaknya bertambah satu lagi aktiviti internet yg pasti sedikit sebanyak akan menjejaskan mutu kualiti kerja saya di proreka ( ya ampun bos!).
Secara keseluruhan aktiviti rasmi saya setiap hari:
1) Kerja
2) Blog
3) FB
4) Online sopin ouch!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Which one is the best?
Buy a gift for urself or if someone give it to u?
My preference? Mana2 pun boleh....if i want it, i'll buy it myself.
The best thing nowdays, online shopping it really deliver to u with wraps so it does feel like getting a present. Its very additive....i warn u.
Here my latest gift for myself:
1) Bought this bag b4 raya
2) Ordered this wrislet just after raya, but the delivery takes a month! duuhhhhh...anyway still happy when finally mr posmen delivered to me.
Buy a gift for urself or if someone give it to u?
My preference? Mana2 pun boleh....if i want it, i'll buy it myself.
The best thing nowdays, online shopping it really deliver to u with wraps so it does feel like getting a present. Its very additive....i warn u.
Here my latest gift for myself:
1) Bought this bag b4 raya
From momsfeelgood |
2) Ordered this wrislet just after raya, but the delivery takes a month! duuhhhhh...anyway still happy when finally mr posmen delivered to me.
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From momsfeelgood |
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From momsfeelgood |
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From momsfeelgood |
Friday, November 7, 2008
Up n Down! alam umah+tangga
Errr...aku je ke yg over ke mmg satu mesia(isteri2) tgh panas...hangit? Kalu nak kata perfect tu menipulah kan. Mesti ada tergigit/ guris/ kecik ati/ marah/ perang..whatever termnye. Tp thats not the reason to abandon the family isn't it. tak tau sapa salah or it doesn't matter sapa salah cos its take 2 to tango..either tango utk kekalkan the family unit or to invite others to join (regardless 1st party agree or not).
Frankly I can't understand how's man (not all) devide their love.
Yg tu mungkin susah nak explain sbb its not quantifiable (betul ke term ni), tp how they devide those quantifiable nye variable? Example 3 basic things, makanan, pakaian, tmt tinggal. Ni dolu2 hokey.
Skrg byk lg list yg nak dijustifykan, sekolah (level of education each children), jenis pakaian (JJ ke pasar malam...hand down, makan apa? (restoren brapa kali sebulan/setaun, kat umah lauk apa..ikan kembung, sardin ngan telur je ke?)rumah...flat 650sqft? How to justify? Takyah bahas pasal ulat dlm batu pun leh hidup.
If currently bill pun ada hati nak support another person (bukan handicap or anak yatim or anak terbuang or anak2 chow kit pun...cukup sifat nak keje sendiri) tak ke namanye mmg Gat**.
Yg panas sgt ni maybe sbb depa artis...but i know ramai lg kat luar tu share the same fate ( suratkhabar melayu kecik2 suka report menda kat forum nun)...
Frankly I can't understand how's man (not all) devide their love.
Yg tu mungkin susah nak explain sbb its not quantifiable (betul ke term ni), tp how they devide those quantifiable nye variable? Example 3 basic things, makanan, pakaian, tmt tinggal. Ni dolu2 hokey.
Skrg byk lg list yg nak dijustifykan, sekolah (level of education each children), jenis pakaian (JJ ke pasar malam...hand down, makan apa? (restoren brapa kali sebulan/setaun, kat umah lauk apa..ikan kembung, sardin ngan telur je ke?)rumah...flat 650sqft? How to justify? Takyah bahas pasal ulat dlm batu pun leh hidup.
If currently bill pun ada hati nak support another person (bukan handicap or anak yatim or anak terbuang or anak2 chow kit pun...cukup sifat nak keje sendiri) tak ke namanye mmg Gat**.
Yg panas sgt ni maybe sbb depa artis...but i know ramai lg kat luar tu share the same fate ( suratkhabar melayu kecik2 suka report menda kat forum nun)...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tudung fetish
Semalam lunch hour panjang (12.30 to 2.30) so pegi 'visit' Hajaba selepas hantar document gi Toyota (legally...i'm not snaking this time :D).
Ok bought myself an instant tudung with button at the back.
My iphone camera corrupted plak. Kalau tak boleh capture ari ni n upload terus.
Anyway...lately mmg byk gila beli tudung (anything more than 2 pcs a mth is consider byk gile hehehe).
So here are list of tudung brand/ type that i've collected so far:
1) Munarawah (inner only)
2) Hajaba
3) ID inner
4) ID selendang luar (dunno what people call this)
5) Long scarf 100% silk (transparent...wear with any inner above).
6) Long scarf polyster ( ni yg ada rambu2 n very cheap RM5/pcs).
7) Long scarf Thai silk
8) Printed Scarf square (ni biasa2 nye....tak muat dah drawer)
9) Tie rack (ni zaman ayah salu gi UK dolu2 beli utk mama kan).
10) Last tudung bawal ( I have few only...sbb lbh suka pakai yg no 8 utk gi keje.
Ok bought myself an instant tudung with button at the back.
My iphone camera corrupted plak. Kalau tak boleh capture ari ni n upload terus.
Anyway...lately mmg byk gila beli tudung (anything more than 2 pcs a mth is consider byk gile hehehe).
So here are list of tudung brand/ type that i've collected so far:
1) Munarawah (inner only)
2) Hajaba
3) ID inner
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From Baju baru |
4) ID selendang luar (dunno what people call this)
5) Long scarf 100% silk (transparent...wear with any inner above).
6) Long scarf polyster ( ni yg ada rambu2 n very cheap RM5/pcs).
7) Long scarf Thai silk
8) Printed Scarf square (ni biasa2 nye....tak muat dah drawer)
From Baju baru |
9) Tie rack (ni zaman ayah salu gi UK dolu2 beli utk mama kan).
10) Last tudung bawal ( I have few only...sbb lbh suka pakai yg no 8 utk gi keje.
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