Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What i feel when.....

I sakit hati.

I know that being sakit hati bukan satu sifat yg patut kita ‘amalkan’.

But its really super annoying bila kedatangan tetamu tu, at our least expected, talking about MLM.

Seriously, I’m not against MLMers, but when they come at the wrong time, at the wrong place, at the wrong situation, I mmg akan terus terang I tak nak dengar.

And it becomes super annoying when they start to say their favourite quote:

“retired early”
“taknak kerja”

*****Muntah darah ***********

Lebih-lebih lagi orang yg promote ni ‘mentor’ my current business…..how can that be???

Siap boleh menjawab lagi “Bisnes dobi ni bukannya ‘ni’ sangat”.

Apa yg “ni’ sangat??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come-on if you want to diversify, please find another crowd…don’t target the same ‘client’.

I dah lah tengah cari semangat, kalau ini yg di’sua’kan mmg cari nahas.

Kalau aku nak join MLM. …. Takdenya aku kat sini skang ni…HELLOOOOO!!!!!!


  1. Motto MLMers..."semua orang adalah prospek" hehe....sebab tu la jadi cam tu :-p

  2. Has x berbakat la dlm MLM ni ;)

  3. askum... 1st two years after resign mmg kena tahan la dengan 'favourite' words tu... but you know what you want... so what the hell!...

  4. eynda - mmg. cuma salu i reject nicely n not feel offended. This time, i reject nicely BUT feel offended.

  5. has - me too. dah try thats why i know i takde bakat ;)

  6. Niki - i dun mind they come but i do mind sbb derang tu yg guide n train aku pasal dobi...kalu orang lain aku leh rilek tolak elok2 without sakit hati.

  7. isk kak..kalau saya pun bengang and rasa macam kena tipu pun ader sbb depa dok promote benda lain pulak...i byk dah terkena ngan MLM so malas nak ambik tau pasal MLM ni coz byk janji palsu ditaburkan...

