Friday, December 30, 2011

Orientasi Tahun 1 - SKS2BK

Jumaat, 30 Dec 2011, hari Orientasi Tahun 1. Mina still dgn mood bercampur baur excited tapi nervous. Ayah give moral support by accompanying her for a while before heading to office. Dah besar dah Mina. Rasa baru je keluar dari perut mama, merangkak, berjalan, dah Tahun 1. Sekarang sikit2 mother, ayah, semua nak cerita, semua nak report kalah cnn.....kejap lagi tutup pintu bilik rapat2 gaknya

Awal lagi ni, boleh senyum2 peace. 

Lepas tu tengok list nama, temporary Mina duduk kelas 1Sigma. Yg mina kenal Aziz aje, boifren masa umur 4 tahun kat REAL Kids. Lepas tu Aziz tukar ke GA. Member lain from kindy takde pun. Masa cikgu suruh beratur kat assemby area, Mina dah tak boleh tahan. Rasa lost, takde kawan, new environment, unfamiliar faces. Terus breakdown. The first yg menangis, diikuti beberapa orang lagi. Being Mina, kalau tak pujuk memang tak mau benti le, pujuk le kejap. Bg kata2 semangat sikit.
Then, parents kena berkumpul kat dewan, dengar taklimat guru besar then serahkan fail peribadi murid dan borang SKMM.

Habis urusan di dewan, intai2 mina kat kelas. Tengah buat ujian saringan yg pertama. Guru besar inform saringan kedua akan diadakan bulan Mac 2012. I don't really like this idea but as what Guru Besar informed, we are not here to discuss it, this is from Kementerian Pelajaran. We just follow what being told. So don't blame the parents for being a bit more kiasu nowdays. Nobody want their child duduk kelas 'belakang' because kita tahu cikgu pun manusia biasa bukan maksum. Dan banyak pengakuan cikgu sendiri yg they don't like to teach kelas kat 'belakang2' ni. But if the system can prove that children kat kelas2 'belakang' will be given more attention and help, and they can be as par with their peers than I bet lepas ni everybody will be pleased. I hope Mina had fun learning here as much as those years in kindy.
Lepas tu they line up. Mina nampak lost sgt masa ni. Ingatkan school tour, rupa-rupanya cikgu lepaskan derang ke kantin. Rehat. Cecepat pergi ke kantin cari Mina.

Sampai kat kantin Mina tengah bercakap dgn another girl. The girl give her 1 ringgit. So approached them and asked Mina to give back her money. Then bg Mina RM2. Guide them to call the makcik kantin and buy milo ais and karipap. Mina happy dah. Rupanya tu classmate REAL Kids. She came a bit late so duduk a bit far from Mina's chair. Siti Humairah. Siap bgtau she saw Mina's crying. Hehehe

Lepas tu, masuk kelas balik, time tu collect text book. Mina pulak tour the entire school with new classmates. Dah happy and smiling all time. Dah tak sabar2 nak go to school next wednesday. Dah tak sabar2 nak naik van sekolah. Hari ni kita pergi cari lunch box yg comel2, ok :).

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Patah tumbuh hilang berganti

Patah tumbuh hilang berganti, 
Bedak dgn lipstik dah habis, kenalah pergi beli.

Tinggal serdak je. 
Goodbye Bodyshop,
Welcome Etude House.
Macam biasa, niat nak beli satu benda je, sudahnya tau2 ajelah. Dah kat situ, baru teringat eyeliner pun dah nyawa2 ikan, so ambik sebatang. Nasib lah murah2 je, mahal lagi kosmetik kat guardian.

 Salesgirls Etude yg melayan tadi baik le pulak. Nasib baik iman kuat, kalau tak makin parah. Suka interior design this shop, sweet jek....masuk je kedai terus terasa nak jadi comel hahaha           

 Lipstik pun dah habis korek tu. Selepas 2 tahun pakai kaler nude brown, kali ni beli kaler merah cili api. Menyalalah bibir ni sampai trend outdated, maklumlah lipstik lambat nak habis.
Nak tengok tak kaler merah tu??

Buat-buat tanya pulak, padahal saje nak tunjuk hihik.




Rio Rio

Tak menyala sangat pun sebenarnya sbb my lips ni warna gelap, so bila pakai lipstik warna terang idok le memancor-mancor . 

Purple delight

Macam orang lain jugak, kalau tak membeli sayur, jagung, strawberry  tu macam tak sah kan. Selasa dgn rabu dok lah makan salad buah2 kan. Sekali petang semalam nak habiskan last few ketul stoberi dgn ceri tomato, tetiba nampak black 'living things' bergerak2 dalam mangkuk yg dah berkuahkan thousand island. Pitam hokey!
Terus panik lari ke sinki campak semua lebihan dan jugak 'binatang' itu ke tong sampah.

Euwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!Wadehel is that??!!! Omaiiiigad....muntah terus!

Shud have soak in vinegar sekejap but cos am lazy so just basuh2 gitu je masa prepare.Arhhhhhhhhh until now teringat-ingat uolssss! Tak tau la it comes from stoberi ke, ceri tomato tu ke, or jambu...cos i campur jambu jugak. Selalunya idakle malas benar nak soak dlm cuka makan kejap kan, tapi tah apasal malas pulak. If buh cuka kan ke apa2 hidupan akan terapung kan...oh menyesalnyeeeeee.

Until now i terasa-rasa ada benda kat esofogus...trauma.

Anyway, selepas 2 malam berturut makan jagung, malam tadi giliran cik purple yg manis ni pulak. Maid dah rebus siap2, pastu ingat nak lenyek buat keria. Pastu cekpen kata 'takkan nak buat keria purple?'.
So tukar le jadi pengat purple. Sedapnyaaaa. Jemput makan semua =B.

Cameron Highland 11 tahun yg lalu

All these pictures taken more than11 years ago. Semalam masa korek2 cari gambar kawan cekpen tu, jumpa gambar2 ni sekali. So tengok and compare2 dgn trip yg baru je pergi krismas baru2 ni.
 Cekpen kata ni kat BOH. I tak boleh nak recall , I guess not only I have short term memory loss, long term memory loss syndrome pun ada hehe.
 Yang ni confirm kat Bharat Cameron valley. Breathtaking  view are still the same. Super thin me. I like myself better now except for one thing. I missed my super duper flat tummy :(

Dulu Year 2000
Now Year 2011

I think these two picture are from the same spot. Cuma sekarang pine tree tu dah tinggi sangat sampai tak nampak hotel belakang tu. Used to be Merlin Inn rasanya, now dah change to other names.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Berjubah konvo, kawan cekpen masa kat mechi UM dulu, diagnosed with lung cancer. So balik Cameron tu, terus bergegas ke PUSRAWI. I was hoping his wife around, but unfortunately she went back already. We spend about 40 min camtu than ada visitor lain. Chemo tak start lagi. Since kitorang dah merasa the painful journey, we really hope that Gerau can make it. He's been admitted for a week, and yet to know the cancer staging and yet to see the oncologist. I am so terrified. We really hope he get the best treatment and support from all the people around him. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan Allah swt utk beliau dan keluarga melalui perjalanan ini.

Mina is Planning for Sarah's Birthday Party

Yes. Begitulah. Mina yg suka sangat "buy" aka shopping, dah berminggu-minggu plan what to buy for Sarah's birthday party. Everytime dia mention
"mother don't forget, we go to the shop and buy (isi tempat kosong) for Sarah party, remember"

I will be like
"is it? I forget all about it already"

Then dia akan cucuk Sarah by giving her lots of ideas......err sort of.
"Sarah, do you want a fairy wings?"
"Sarah, what cake u want? How about a tinkerbell cake? Or maybe a princess barbie purple color? You like purple color rite?"
"Sarah how many candles you want?"
"Sarah, you want to wear princess dress with ballerina skirt? Purple color? You know we saw a pretty ballerina tutu at ioi mall, last time i go with mother. u want or not?
"Sarah, what present u want? U want baby alike? I want too, maybe mother can buy 1 for u and 1 for me, then we can play together rite"
"How about balloon, u want many balloon? What color u want?"

Non-stop  i tell u...tsk tsk  >____<

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Cold and Mist @ Cameron Highland

The Journey to Cameron Highland

Sana sini blogger update citer percutian. So nak jugak join the bandwagon, sambung citer2 cuti. Kali ni cuti ke Cameron pulak. Harap maklum, gambar lebih kurang sama je ngan orang lain, dah namanya pergi tempat yg sama kan hehe. Cuma tak terserempak le, kalau terserempak pun lum tentu kenal kan. Masing2 pun konfem meriah dgn keluarga sendiri so konfem tak sempat nak tengok orang kiri kanan hehe.
Kitorang ikut Tapah. Keluar rumah seawal 8.30 ke 9.30 camtu, sbb nak elak sangkut kat traffic jam. Time sampai ok je, byk jugak keta but bearable lah.
Walaupun takde jam teruk, budak2 boleh tahan boring jugaklah dalam kereta. Mula2 excited. "Are we there yet?"...lama2 takde dah soalan tu. Masing2 dah senyap.
Since sampai Tanah Rata around 12+ camtu, so kitorang relax benti makan kat sini dulu. Makan kat medan selera tepi parking lot. Nasi campur je. Mula2 Sarah taknak makan, cuma nak telur masin sebiji tu hah. Camno lah nak makan, telur masin tuuu. But last2 dia nak jugak makan nasi dgn daging masak merah. 
Kejap2 suasana gelap macam hujan, tapi actually mist je. So pakai jelah baju hujan tu sbb dah bawak kan. Then round2 kat kedai2 kat pekan ni cari rain boot. Happy sebab jumpa jugak akhirnya walopon takde design cute2 but yg penting boleh redah becak. Murah jugak RM12.50 sepasang. Dapat saiz Mina n Sarah kat kedai ni, Awish punya takde maka mamat tu pun merajuk sentap muncung 3 depa dan hentak2 kaki lah. Last2 dapat jugak carik kat kedai lain. Actually ladies punya rain boot but rembat je, janji lasak kan. 

The accomodation - Boutique Resort Hotel De' La Ferns 

Located betul2 tepi jalan nak ke Brinchang, senang aje nak jumpa hotel ni. Dekat sangat dgn pekan Tanah Rata. Facilities semua ada dalam bilik termasuklah iron board. Tapi dah biasa travel bawa pakaian yg not easily wrinkle dan pack neatly dalam bag so tak guna pun iron ni. When cekpen tanya 'ok ke hotel ni?' answer "ok sangattttt". Bersih, simple deco english sikit, yg penting ada bath tub utk budak2 ni berendam.

Tetiba pusing tengok cekpen buat renovation. Additional bed?? hehe.....tau ajelah perangai anak sendiri kan.  

The Butterfly Farm
This boy tunggu luar aje, walaupun dia yg setkan itinerary nak ke Butterfly  Farm petang tu. Takut sangat dgn serangga cantik tu. 
Somehow macam tak banyak spesis yg ada kat sini. 
Slithery snake.
Kumbang tanduk.
Orchid Mantis...cantik kan
The cute chipmunk.
The yet to be 'prince charming' frog, waiting kisses from Mina hahaha.

The Tayar Pancit Incident
"Its ok mother, Ayah engineer rite? He knows how to fix the tyre."
Tyre went flat right in front the Butterfly farm. Take a deep breath and cekpen dgn gagahnya tukar tayar spare le. Bujang tu payungkan tak sampai seminit..sabor je lah. Ada paku melekat kat tayar tu.

The Time Tunnel

Suka barang2 lama yg ada kat muzium time tunnel ni. Memang mengimbau zaman kanak2, cos some of item tu mmg dah pupus kan macam radio tu. Wish could have more time in here but unfortunately kitorang masuk ni dah 6.45pm. Dah nak tutup sangat dah. Takde orang pun dalam ni kecuali kitorang je. And because of the silent, i find it a bit earie...seram semacam huhu. Rasa nak lari keluar cecepat but at the same time nak tengok all the pieces kat sini...sigh..

Spend less than 15 min kat dlm time tunnel. Keluar je semua roller shutter door dah turun. Someone need to pee so kita tunggu kat luar.

The Dinner and Breakfast
 Just next to our hotel ada Glory Steamboat.
Portion a little bit too much for us. Try jugak nak habiskan but cannot go le. So sayur2 byk lagi tak dapat nak habiskan. Itupun nasib baik Mina nak makan mee n bihun tu banyak2, if not lagi byk leftover la..sayang je. Shud have order for 2 pax je sebenarnya. 

Bangun pagi hirup udara nyaman. Kabus tebal, udara sejuk....bestnyeeee kalau hari2 macam ni kan cekpen kannnnnnn....Nak usha banglo ke tuuuuuu.

Breakfast at The Patio. One of the criteria hotel yg kitorang nak duduk, kena ada breakfast yg Awish suka. If not aku nak cekpen book Old Smoke tu, macam teringin nak rasa duduk situ. We want to start the day in good mood kan, so this boy must eat his favourite bihun goreng. Old smoke ada english breakfast je katanya, so nanti ada orang tak kenyang and grumpy all day long. Ok lah menu breakfast, yg best Patio sbb kat luar kan, dgn sejuknya gigil-gigil, pastu minum teh panas2...ahhhhh nikmat. Kitorang peminat teh mmg heaven lah sana sini tehhhhhh je manjang.

The Strawberry Cannot Pick Time

Since tak boleh strawberry picking this time kan, so jalan2 aje tengok2. Sambil2 jalan tu kita dengar mina meratib "mother, can u buy ......". " mother what time we going to buy...." "mother, can we go to the shop now to buy....." many2 times. Rasanya tak cukup bijik tasbih nak kira. Awish pulak meratib nak pistol. Very nice combination of meratibnes from these two.

OK. After we heard enough (tak boleh tahan dahhhh), so we bring them to the nearest shop. Ask them to promise to 'stop asking us to buy anything else'. 

They get to buy 1 item only. 
They both agreed. 
Ahhh least for the next couple of days. So mina choose ear muff, Awsih pistol, sarah of cos beli apa mina beli.

The Bharat Tea Plantation and Sg Palas Boh Tea Plantation

Singgah Bharat Cameron Valley ni masa hari kitorang naik ke sini. Memang tak puas, sbb cantiknyeee pemandangan kan. Punyalah luas kan, tapi tak panas. Cuba korang gi ladang nenas....luas pun memang luaslah kan, tapi dia punya panas hah hadaplah heheh.

Sg Palas Boh Tea Plantation. Nak tunjuk kat AMS tea making process. But the traffic really bad. Tak bergerak, then berselisih mmg sebelah tayar tu anytime je join ladang teh ni. So we decided to make a u-turn whenever its possible. So this is the closes we get to BOH. Takde rezeki, maybe next time boleh datang time yg tak peak sangat.

The Bee Farm

The largest indoor maze tutup. Elok. So kitorang round2 kat Bee Farm. Dgn all the bee flying around, pesan kat AMS not to provoke them. 

The Public Playground
Public playground kat Tanah Rata. Besar dan luas. Puas lah AMS main. Playground tu ada yg from my design. I used to work with the playground manufacturer back in year 2000. Masa tu baru lepas grad. Now  my kids yg main hehehe. Yg giant fruits tu macam bukan tempat utk main sbb actually berpagar rendah keliling tu. But since semua orang serbu, kita pun serbu jugaklah. I find it dangerous jugak ye kalau tergelincir mmg batu2 keras tu konfem lagi keras dari kepala budak kan. Just be extra careful, sendiri main sendiri tanggung lah kan.

The doing nothing time

 Killing time in the car......camwhoring.

Watching tv dan berendam hippo style.
Hot tea + cookies = yummy tummy
 Skodeng santa cuci pinggan.
 Looking for nasi goreng in the menu. Kata nak diet nasi...tapi nasi jugak yg dicarik. Nasiblah perut makin memboyot awish oiiii.

 Palm print.

Hehe..reach home safe and sound around 3pm. Looking forward next trip on CNY....tak sabarnyaaaaa.