Monday, December 22, 2008

Lagi2 projek tudung

Ni tengah berkobar2 wat tudung.
Ari ni ngantuk sbb dah 2 ari dok wat mende alah ni.
From Tudung

Semua dah siap jahit tepi.
Siap cantum baru selai.
Dah siap semua skali kang baru upload skalik.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



A dear friend sent me this lovely advice.

I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.

He said, "Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said,

"While dealing with a stranger,
common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.

"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too,
and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company
that we are working for could easily replace us in
a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss
for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
into work than into our own family,
an unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?
So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

Come to think of it....
I'm harsh n think too much bout work :(.
My other half...same :(
The kids....already shown all the 'not-good-manners' way of talking :(

Can I change this bad attitude?
I want to be like the Siamese..they were so polite..I think their gangster may recite 'sawadikap' to each other too.

Good manners start at home (telling myself).

Speaking of good manners..there's a short story about this recently in HK.

"We were boarding a train to get to the departure hall. I was totally not in d mood cos getting sort of harsh remarks earlier at the immigresen counter. Awish as usual get over-excited when inside a train...n start screaming and getting mina to play/ join his excitement...i just look at them. Not even in the mood to get angry at them.

Suddenly, the 'engrish' lady beside me, turn her head and speak to me.
'Please tell your kids not to scream inside the train!' with a very stern look/ sombong/ marah kinda thing.

Again, I really not in the mood to answer/ argue with her...and not in the mood to hush down the kids. Malu tak? Boleh tahan gak lah.

I just 'syyhhhhh' and put my finger to my mouth ..signalling my kids to stay put and quite.

Dlm hati 'mesti dia ni dulu masa kecik budak baik..or semua kerabat dia budak baik...or tak penah ada anak.....or have a supermom who can control their behaviour when they were youngs'.

Not only that, on her way out of the train, (this is totally unacceptable)...she 'jeling' at Awish sambil mengomel!
For god sake! That's not good manners! You have done your job by telling me to control my kids hokey! It's not necessary for you to do that kidn of remarks.....gosh! Rasa nak tumbuk jek..!

Then What?

Dah selesai dah vacation. Rasa mcm nak stay kat disneyland lagi.
Story mori pasal vacation tu tak sesiap lagi....ayah created a new link dedicated for Hong Kong.

Lepas balik ni..rasa mcm dah takde excitement plak.
Life back to normal. Day in day kerja balik kerja, makan minum mandi berak tido. Nak tunggu apa lagi ek?

Beranak lagi sorang kot....leh ada adrenelin rush lagi sekali for the next 9mths. Ada something to look forward kan. Tapi tapi tapi....3 ni pun tak terkejar daaaa! Dalam perut ok lah senang mama leh bawak kulu kilir...kuar sok hmmm sendiri mau ingat haaa.

Balik2 coti ari tu dpt DIY 2 lai tudung + rework satu ready made tudung yg tak berapa nak betul shapenye...kira berjaya gak ah. Dah 3 ari pakai tudung baru jek.

From Tudung

Pakai ari ni kaler ijo!

From Tudung

On Monday morning while waiting for the mamak to prepare my roti telor n Teh O suam...muka cam hampeh....maklumle brekpes sorang...takkan nak tersengih lak.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Haji

Tadi pukul 10.45 am baru dpt ckp ngan mak. Mcm biasa tepon kat kg tu rosak lagi. Tepon anak sedara nye henpon tak dapat2. So td try call Kak siti (My s.i.l aka mak wok aka bini wak amat my eldest brader). Tepat sekali..derang semua kat rumah mak. In-fact mlm td derang tido umah mak with Wak Lan sekuarga pun balik.

Wak Lan wat korban taun ni...share dgn anak2 nye yg seramei 6 org tu. Mak cakap dia nampak sihat (he's on chemoteraphy due to Lung cancer).

Bapak n d rest also sihat. Mak tgh bz bg instruction to Kak Pah ....semua tgh rewang utk 'menyiang' lembu yg terkorban tu...err yg dikorbankan tu. So tgh ckp kt tepon tu tetiba mak ckp lain ' dialasi plastik kae......kenak pasir kabeh enko yo kotor'....translate = ' alas dengan plastik..nanti kena pasir kotor'.

ahaks....citer kat mak, kami tak balik mana2 kg cos esok nk pi bercoti dah. So kirim salam kat semua org n wish Selamat Hari Raya.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Duit kuar mcm air...statement ayah ari ni.
Yg tak bestnye ..mmg betul pun.

Td pi beli brg lagi for the HK trip. Dlm plan adalah yg mmg nak kena beli:
1) Bag - to stuff all food mcm maggie, susu, nestum etc.
2) Harness- tali ikat yasmin. takut hilang dak ni masa kat HK. Sib baik awishnye ada lagi so nak beli satu je lagi utk yasmin.
3) Roaming - bukan beli...nak activate jek.
4) Solex - utk mangga bag.
5) Duit HK - ni nak tukar duit ler..kang tak laku lak rm kat sana.

Pastu yg takde dlm plan tp terjebak membeli:
1) Toy kipas utk sarah

From jimat

2) Screen film protector Iphone.
3) Casing Iphone
4) Bateri nokia N?? tah bper siri yek.82 kot.
5) Tudung ekin 2 lai (nasib baik jumpa yg murah kat carrefour....tp3x mcm nak rembat gak yg kat subang parade tu satu....tungguuuuu)

From jimat

From jimat

Smlm plak pi sunway pyramid nak carik snickers for myself n jeans for ayah.
Sbb kasut yg ada mmg tak seswai nak wat gi travel...sure tragedi kang tak larat jalan sbb kaki injured.
Dari nike..adidas...primawera...crocs..n tah pape brand lg....cuma sgt berkenan yg brand 'sketcher' rega nye ya ampun.....RM279...uhuks.

Masuk semer kedai2 tu 2 kali ..n try tp takleh nak decide (mahal sgt).
Last2 hubby ajak gi JJ...manalah tau kan.

Terjumpa kasut yg tersgt murah...
Haaaa...barulah senang nak pilih...(lupa terus niat yg kenkonon nak gak crocs plg cikai pun).
Sbb murah banget..beli dua2 terus. Plus dpt belikan bibiknye at RM23++ from RM79....coolkan.

RM129.90--> RM38.++ 70% disc wow!

From jimat

RM89.90 --> RM45++ 50% disc..okey le tu kan!

From jimat

....takdelah serabak kalu pi rembat sketcher tuh.

Anyway...nyaris terjebak membeli winter jacket utk sarah kat 'obaibi'.
Tp RM179 to RM159 gitu. Few weeks back belikan sarah baby gap 'oversize' sikit.
Tu yg bila tgk ada size sarah teruja nak beli..kat poney pun ada gak...padahal kitorang dah survey tu ari semer takde jual...geremmm jek!

Tak tau plak derang start kuar stok winter jacket betul2 december...mcmlah ada salji kat mesia (sangapnye aku tak tau seasonnye sale time bila....ingatkan dah cekap banget tang2 sales nih).

Smlm pun rabak gak...sbb termakan kat TGI....makin mahal lak rasanye (masa ni dah penat n lapor..malas nak jalan jauh dah).
Lepas makan tu masa nak ke parking..rupanye ada kedai makan lain yg lagik murah yg dekat je dr situ.
Ayah kata 'takpelah...dah on d way jadik 'ta*k' dah pun'...sonyap terus.

Nnt kalu dah siap packing makanan dlm bag..harapnye tak lupa amik gambor...nak tunjuk betapa byknye stok yg kitorang bwk....(ada niat nak bawak rice cooker...just in case. tp tak muat bag rasanye).
Sbb apa kitorang bwk byk2? Sbb semer org ckp (forum n sedara mara) susah makan kat HK.
Hmmmm..perlu tak bawak telur n sosek yg siap rebus? tahan lama gak kan kalu bubuh dlm peti ais hotel...nak makan bubuh dlm air tak? Tak penah di buat org gak eh...

Oh ye...ayah decided not to get himself a new jeans...bring his british india khakis jek katanye.
Bagus gak ..jimat lagi.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Last night!

Last night I have a whole 'karangan' drafted in my head which I plan to write down here. Guess what? I can't remember at all. I can only remember that 'wow! I got something nice to write in my blog'...that's all.
Am i eating too much maggie mee?
Why is my memory so bad?

Few month back I bought a very thin (less than 50pages) book.
The tittle is 'memory loss'. The content is all about brains, how the cells in your brain works and store information. Also mentioned what kind of food that your brain need.

Few points that I can remember are:
1) Once you are getting older a lot of your brain cells are dead.

2) You need to get your brain to work harder in method of storing information. Creating map for each information (remember those days we use to memorise all the formula before exam...that method hokey).

3) When you are older most information, if not properly stored, it will be 'temperorily' kept in the brain 'temp' folder. All these information will stay there for ..say couple of second..then automatically ERASED....thus you forget.

4) You need to allocate your brain more time while doing the storage aka saving the data into allocated brain cells. Meaning...let say if you received a call saying you need to attend a meeting at 10am...then you tell yourself ..'ok i'll remember that I have a meeting at 10am'. Chances you will forget is 100%.

So how do you keep information? For this example, few step you can do:
1) Jot down the information into a piece of paper and stick on your forehead (kidding hehe)...stick it to a place that you will definitely can see) or

2) Quickly update your appointment book or

3) Immediately type in your PDA cum phone and set the reminder (min 3x and the latest shall be 5 minute before the meeting start).

4) Always have a practise to look at no 1 (sticker)..and no 2. If you don't practise this ...just forget this step.

5) If you have more money..straight go to no 3....and also make a practise to set a reminder. Regardless of any other URGENT matter.

6) Always tell yourself that you must finish updating you schedule in your PDA/phone and set reminder before anything else. Same as no 5 isn't it.

7) Tell your secretary (if you have one) ...she will remind you. Plus you can 'scold' her if she forget...nuahahaha!

Ok..back to the brains....what kind of food is good for your brain?
I need to read the book ...cos I don't remember. *sigh*.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Forever 21

Ni lama punye cerita, tp terlebih rajin plak ari nih nak hapdate blog.

Forever 21 ...Roses
From Forever 21

Paris Hilton???Uweekkk!!!!
From Forever 21

From Forever 21

Ole-ole = Bumbu Bali = Waterlily cafe
From Forever 21

Charm Bracelet
From Forever 21

From Forever 21

From Forever 21

Ultraman from Darwish point of View

Last night he draw a few ultraman character. U know ultraman has evolved from Ultraman, ultraman taro, tiga, dyna, max, mebius etc.
So darwish now are quite well verse with all this character (thanks to ayah for teaching him how tu use GOOGLE!) he can differentiate each character....he knew what exactly the difference between all this ultraman...can u???

I'll paste the picture but i'll leave the name for you to guess (I need to double check with him actually..ahaks, cos i dunno oso).
From Otomen

From Otomen

From Otomen

From Otomen

From Otomen

Keep on guessing ....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tudung DIY

Lately dlm forum tmt salu lepak tu tgh hangat dgn trend buat tudung sendiri. Ada a few yg tersgtlah cantik.
Paling berkenan yg ni (cupcake pinjam gambar k).
From Tudung

Link pun ada kat sebelah tu.

According tu dorang..boleh alter je existing tudung n tukar awning ikut citarasa kita sendiri.
Oleh kerana kelengkapan menjahit belum ada...saya akan cuba pada masa lain.

Ni contoh gambor tudung yg sedang menjadi kegilaanku.
From Tudung

From Tudung

Monday, November 17, 2008

Me in Facebook!

Ok...dipengaruhi oleh seorang teman rapat, saya telah medaftarkan diri saya ke dalam dunia 'facebook'. Agak 'sceptical' pada mulanya kerana saya anggap ianye seperti frienster dan yg sewaktu dengannya yg pada pendapat saya yg ianya hanya utk remaja sekolah.
Saya guna nama anak pada mulanya. Setelah merasakan ianya agak selamat maka saya menyunting profail, tp tidak sepenuhnya sebagai langkah keselamatan (u'll never know who read what).
Saya mengambil masa lebih kurang sebulan rasanya untuk mendalami 'interface'nya. Agak lambat ye disbbkan kesibukan dan ketajaman pemahaman saya dlm bidang internet pun sudah agak berkurangan.

Kebelakangan ini (2 hari lepas) saya sgt teruja sbb terjumpa FB x-housemate ketika di UM dulu. Hari ini berjaya berbual dengannya di FB.

Hari ini juga berjaya ternampak seorang lagi x-housemate di situ. Saya udah menghantar pesanan utk menambahkan dia sebagai rakan. Harap dia dpt pesanan itu.

Hmmm ...nampaknya bertambah satu lagi aktiviti internet yg pasti sedikit sebanyak akan menjejaskan mutu kualiti kerja saya di proreka ( ya ampun bos!).

Secara keseluruhan aktiviti rasmi saya setiap hari:
1) Kerja
2) Blog
3) FB
4) Online sopin ouch!


Saturday, November 15, 2008


Which one is the best?
Buy a gift for urself or if someone give it to u?

My preference? Mana2 pun boleh....if i want it, i'll buy it myself.

The best thing nowdays, online shopping it really deliver to u with wraps so it does feel like getting a present. Its very additive....i warn u.

Here my latest gift for myself:
1) Bought this bag b4 raya
From momsfeelgood

2) Ordered this wrislet just after raya, but the delivery takes a month! duuhhhhh...anyway still happy when finally mr posmen delivered to me.

From momsfeelgood

From momsfeelgood

From momsfeelgood

Friday, November 7, 2008

Up n Down! alam umah+tangga

Errr...aku je ke yg over ke mmg satu mesia(isteri2) tgh panas...hangit? Kalu nak kata perfect tu menipulah kan. Mesti ada tergigit/ guris/ kecik ati/ marah/ perang..whatever termnye. Tp thats not the reason to abandon the family isn't it. tak tau sapa salah or it doesn't matter sapa salah cos its take 2 to tango..either tango utk kekalkan the family unit or to invite others to join (regardless 1st party agree or not).

Frankly I can't understand how's man (not all) devide their love.
Yg tu mungkin susah nak explain sbb its not quantifiable (betul ke term ni), tp how they devide those quantifiable nye variable? Example 3 basic things, makanan, pakaian, tmt tinggal. Ni dolu2 hokey.

Skrg byk lg list yg nak dijustifykan, sekolah (level of education each children), jenis pakaian (JJ ke pasar malam...hand down, makan apa? (restoren brapa kali sebulan/setaun, kat umah lauk apa..ikan kembung, sardin ngan telur je ke?)rumah...flat 650sqft? How to justify? Takyah bahas pasal ulat dlm batu pun leh hidup.

If currently bill pun ada hati nak support another person (bukan handicap or anak yatim or anak terbuang or anak2 chow kit pun...cukup sifat nak keje sendiri) tak ke namanye mmg Gat**.

Yg panas sgt ni maybe sbb depa artis...but i know ramai lg kat luar tu share the same fate ( suratkhabar melayu kecik2 suka report menda kat forum nun)...


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tudung fetish

Semalam lunch hour panjang (12.30 to 2.30) so pegi 'visit' Hajaba selepas hantar document gi Toyota (legally...i'm not snaking this time :D).

Ok bought myself an instant tudung with button at the back.
My iphone camera corrupted plak. Kalau tak boleh capture ari ni n upload terus.

Anyway...lately mmg byk gila beli tudung (anything more than 2 pcs a mth is consider byk gile hehehe).

So here are list of tudung brand/ type that i've collected so far:
1) Munarawah (inner only)
2) Hajaba
3) ID inner
From Baju baru

4) ID selendang luar (dunno what people call this)
5) Long scarf 100% silk (transparent...wear with any inner above).
6) Long scarf polyster ( ni yg ada rambu2 n very cheap RM5/pcs).
7) Long scarf Thai silk
8) Printed Scarf square (ni biasa2 nye....tak muat dah drawer)
From Baju baru

9) Tie rack (ni zaman ayah salu gi UK dolu2 beli utk mama kan).
10) Last tudung bawal ( I have few only...sbb lbh suka pakai yg no 8 utk gi keje.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tribute to Alisha & Ermina Yasmin

Alisha was born on 29/08/05.
Ermina was born on 30/08/05.

Look at them now...both 3 years old.
So sweet!

From Open house

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bukit Bintang Shopping Spree

Yesterday, went to Sg Wang, BB Plaza, Lot 10 and Pavillion. berdua je lak tu. The kids stay at home bcos sunday dah bawak dorang shoping kat Pyramid (beli winter jaket utk gi HongKong disneyland dec ni).

Siap ayah suh posing depan starhill (ada kedai yg pak arab isap rokok air tu apa nama tah)..pastu depan pavillion ( depan coach store to be exact)...mcm tourist jakun plak. Whatever lah. Bukan kenal sesapa pun kan kat situ.

Anyway...found winter jacket yg seswai utk sara kat pumpkin patch n mothercare tp tak beli lagi. Reason cos...color. Dua2 pun brown ( gal shud wear girls color hokay!)

If tak jumpa gak kat tmt lain (dlm masa 4 minggu ni) mmg angkut je lah pumkin patch/ mothercare tu. Cekelat pun cekelat lah.

Damage smlm:
1) Isetan -Executive Long blouse - RM99.00 after 70%less RM29.70
2) Isetan - Executive short blouse -RM99.00 after 70%less RM29.70
3) Padini - Blouse - RM139.00 - after 50% less RM69.90
4) Sg wang (kedai cap ayam) Pants - RM39.00 (with BELT)

Maxi Scraf

5) BB Plaza - Scarf dress satin - RM129.00 after 20% less n bargain -RM100.00

What's next??
Tunggu gi ladies market kat HongKong..dengar2 mama leh pengsan sopping kat situ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Open House

Preparation check list:

1) Re-union CADCAM - Done ( 6 confirmation, pending 4)
2) Tampin Family - Done ( Pending Ateh )

1) Nasi Minyak - Done (To collect at 11am)
2) Ayam Masak Merah - Done (To collect at 11am)
3) Daging Kurma - Done (To collect at 11am)
4) Nasi Impit - dah rebus 4 peket (Kena beli lg 4)
5) Kuah kacang Done (Kak Nor bwk kul 2 esok)
6) Spagetti - Done (esok pagi kena masak)
1) Sirap - Done
2) Tea - Done
3) Air kosong - Done
4) Ice - to buy

1) Secret Recipe Cake - Done (to collect today at 7pm)
2) Pengat Pisang - Done ( To collect at 11am)
3) Popia - Done ( To collect from Kak Lang house tmrw morning)
4) Buah buahan - Done!

Contigency Food:
1) Bihun - 2 pack
2) Udang utk bihun goreng - to buy
3) Ayam utk bihun goreng - to buy
4) Tauge utk bihun goreng - to buy

Peralatan/ utensil:
1) Finggan - mcm tak cukup??
2) Cup - 50 pcs
3) Fork n Spoon - byk dah
4) Bekas letak popia ---? (sebenarnye smlm terbekenan kat giant)
5) Bekas pengat with ladle ( pun saja nak carik yg lawo)
6) Tisu - ok

Deco rumah ???? tak tau dah nak cantik camno.

Apa lagi ...emmmmm cukup dah tu kot.
lain2 yg wa lupa nasib ah.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Memory Loss! was really a joke of the day.
It was yesterday btw when this happen.
I had a meeting in Proton at 11am.
3 of us attending the meeting.
So after the meeting we need to carry back a spoiler.
I asked my staff to carry it and exit from the Main Guard House (for inspection thingy). So I told him I will pick him up there bcos I park my car at the back Guard House.
So somehow while I keep on reminding myself that I need to pick him up at the main Guard house (which I oso did inform my other companion about it)in between getting our IC back, get in the car, talking and waiting to get into the main road.....I forgot.
Suddenly I just FORGET.
I drive all the way back to office. About 2km away from my office than my phone ring. I saw the number and like S.H.I.T !.....
Me: elo!
Guy: Kak, u leave me behind ka?
Me: Yeaaa....sowi...I fetch u after send XXX back to ofis k

My memory reaaaalllly baaaaadddddd!

I coudn't stop my staff ...and she was like 'huh! how come kakak forget?!!!
Call my hubby too.....and he burst ..muahahaha!

ooo..yeah I did scold my other companion for not reminding me when we pass by the Main Guard House ...GGrrrrrr! and he was like ....muahahaha (just can't stop laughing) sori3...ti..aku tak igt lah dok sembang nye pasal!...Caitttt!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Moody jek 2,3 ari ni. Ari ni (15/10) marah dak opis lg. Ada je yg buat aku hangin.
Pastu ada ulser lak kat mulut ni hah. Bengkak dah leher. Kejang je rasa sampai ke mata. Bertepek dah tampal koyok.
Ari ni yg best cuma tghhari td makan kat bibi wok. Lufer plak amik gambor yek. Pas ni kena beringat salu tangkap gambor...leh tepek kat blog huhuhu!.
Pastu bengkek kena marah balik lambat ari senin tu pun ada lg. Sbb bengkek sgt , le le tu gak aku pi beli lauk kat pasar borong selangor. Bwk sekali awish n yasmin. Kang aku tinggal depa kat umah derang plak kena marah. Dah le lupa beli butter nan awish (aku mudah lupa). Sampai la ni aku takde mood nak cakap pape. Dah le sakit lak mulut aku ni lagilah.....grrrr!
Tempias2 kena marah pun dah ada few times dah sblm ni....cuma masa tu rajin nak jawab. Tp baru ni mmg...tahlah malas nak ckp.(drafted mood).

Half day konon pi meeting. Sudahnye haku jadik pemerhati jek. I told my colik I dun wanna join the mtg. But they insist!. Duh mcm ngok jek aku ari ni. Lama lak tu dr kul2 sampai kul 6.
Neway...ayah gi PD ada conference. So sara kena tido awal (cam biasa bila ayah takde umah). Kalu tak haru nak layan lg 2 org otomen.

Ari ni pun baru register kat facebook. Tp tak tau guna lagi. Nntlah ada masa ku godam2 facebook tuh. Bz arr td.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lunch Alone!

Well, today like most of other working days, I had my lunch alone. I had my kuew tiew (spelling?) tomyam at TAZA Bandar Putri.

Sometime I do feel lonely here (in my daily working life) but I guess I choose to be lonely. Why? I can join other ladies or guys like i used to before....but sometime alone is better.

Less mengumpat about other colik, less complaint about bosses and the company and less talk about work. Cos normally I would just sit and watch whatever drama shown(if got tv) or quickly finish up my lunch and have my quicky shopping therapy ( if i go to Giant, Tesco or IOI Mall).

The not so good thing is normally I spent more money cos always buy some small-but-very-good/interesting-can-be-use-later products either for myself or the kids.

But once a while if anyone wants to join me for lunch, it is much welcome....I do enjoy company :). Cos alone sometime make me feel like 'kera sumbang'...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kuah kacang!

Pg td try wat kuah kacang. Sbb tingat kuah kacang ateh masa raya ari tu....sedap banget.
Anyway....lepas mendapat komentar membina dr laki den, terpaksolah den masukkan balik kuah kacang tu dlm kuali. Kena tune sikit.
Bolehlah makan.....mina kata sedap. Huhuhu....ok lah 1st timer.
Korang yg baca ni terror ke masak? (ceh pasan mcm ada org baca blog ni!kui3x).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

About me

Nak try blogging. Ada masa ke? Maybe.
Nak guna basa apa ek? Basa campur2 ah senang. My english is quite bad...writing I would say worse. Malu jek kot poyo tulih full blown english pastuh berterabur huhuhu :D.
Hari2 pun ckp campur2 so why not blogging pun camtu. Anyway, bkan ada sesapa baca pun syok sendiri jek lebey kui3x.

Saja je jeles ngan ayah...not bad huh ur blog writing. I guess I'm not wrong by encouraging u to start blogging....

Ok now, about me:
Name: Siti je

Age: 32 (still blur with this no, how's a 32yrs mommy w 3 kids life shud be?

Location: Kat umah, opis, iphone Edge. Not so glamorous add....(no money to buy prime addss lorrr).

Profession: Jurutera pandai kelentong n kene kelentong (If you can call this a profesion)....not really like my job but dun really care now...i'm 32 for god sake. Just get on w my search of other things that might interest me....lately i'm really into shopping...can i change my profession to become a full time shopper or window shopper...or anything yg sewaktu dgnnye.
Panjanglak wa menceceh.

Anak: TIGA olang....4 kadang2 (bila ayah join kids club , duhhhh).

Hubby: sorang je la...gila pa..mana ada org pompuan kawen lebeh...nama glamer buah ati den ni byk...akie aka cekpen aka janggut aka fendi...mcm2. Tp binik nama siti je wakakaka...

Lain2 nnt wa citer lg bila sempat. La ni ada budak baru letopkan belon...menangis2...'sowi mama'....huhuhu....time to put her to bed....mina cayang bucuk-anja-gedik-pasan-cun.